AdSense earning has been pending for a week on Payoneer?

 How long will it take for the pending payment to appear in your balance in Payoneer?

As a freelancer, I’ve been using Payoneer services for several years now, so this is what I’ve learned:

  • if the transfer happened from account to an account within their network, the transaction is near-instantaneous
  • if the transfer happened from outside of Payoneer, it can take up to a week to be completed and sometimes even more.

So, if you face a long time in waiting, there are also reasons I have encountered:

  • support asked your payer to provide documents (you would not even know it sometimes). This is the most likely reason why you did not get a payment so far. Solution: talk to your counterpart and open a live chat with Payoneer team at the same time. It worked for me every time, especially when my client was online and chatting with me. Solved things within an hour.
  • the transfer occurred during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) so nobody picked it up until later on from the Payoneer team. Solution: Open up live chat and explain the situation to them so they can speed things up. Again, worked for me wonderfully but you have to do this step as they are clustered at the moment.
  • everything else: again, contact support through a live chat (here’s link Live Chat)

PS: Tried tickets but that never really worked for me. They always answer late and sometimes not even, until I called them or started a live chat. So forget about tickets or emails, and talk to them directly. Transfers should take up to a week. Anything above that, apply the above-mentioned guide.

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